Polytron Service Center: Detailed Service-Related Information
Polytron Service Center: Detailed Service-Related Information

Polytron Service Center: Detailed Service-Related Information: Blogpress


As a form of responsibility to loyal consumers, Polytron also has Polytron Service Center services. This service exists because the products produced by this company have been used and have remained in existence since 1975. Decades of competing in the electronic realm make this company always try to be better.

As one of the companies that produce original Indonesian electronic goods, this company must compete with foreign companies. As is known that Indonesian people tend to buy foreign products that are considered to have better quality than their own products.

The competition makes a number of electronics companies in Indonesia, especially Polytron, continuously improve the services that can be provided to customers. It is made to keep listening to how complaints are felt when using the product.

Until finally Polytron Service Center was created so that loyal customers always feel listened to consumer complaints. The complaint will also be used as a company evaluation material related to improving the quality of the products produced. The increases made are solely aimed at increasing consumer confidence.

As a customer who is loyal to the use of products produced by Polytron company, then you must understand what facilities and services are offered by the company. This is to keep you comfortable when you are using products produced by the company.

How to Use the Services Offered?

Polytron as a company that produces electronic goods has produced many types of electronics with different types. Even this company has also succeeded in producing smartphones that can be used very comfortably by consumers like smartphones in general.

A company called PT. Hartono Istana Teknologi finally issued a Polytron Service Center that can be contacted and visited directly when consumers experience complaints or difficulties related to product operation. This service has spread throughout Indonesia with a total of 55 service centers.

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You can call 0-800-11100-99 via public phone or mobile phone. The number is a quick alternative when you need the right answer about your next action. The existence of customer care makes it easier for customers whether to make the decision to bring the product to the nearest service.

If likened when you are injured, then first aid or the nearest clinic as Customer Care which will then be decided whether to need further handlers to the specific hospital as a service center. Customer Care is first aid in complaints related to product problems.

Types of Services Offered by Polytron Service Center

Every company always prioritizes quality, because for them the value of the company’s success will rest on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is very closely related to product quality. Polytron products always undergo rigorous testing ranging from the design to performance of their electronic goods.

The service provided by the service center is ready to repair the tools you complain about until the performance returns to normal. Don’t worry about whether your tool can function normally again or not because the employees who work in this section already have very mature troubleshooting  capabilities.

If you find it difficult to bring your electronics to the nearest Polytron Service Center then just call and Polytron’s flagship mechanic will immediately go to your home. In addition, you can also write complaints on social media pages in the form of Polytron’s official Facebook.

But complaints submitted through Polytron’s official social media such as email, facebook, and twitter will take longer and can take up to 24 hours a day to 7 days a week. But complaints will still be answered as best as possible with easy-to-understand language.

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Some areas in Java and Bali, Polytron has encouraged being able to repair problematic goods within 24 hours. One such electronic item is air conditioning. Although it cannot be reached to all regions, the company continues to improve its evaluation by sending the best mechanics to regional areas throughout Indonesia.

Polytron Service Location in Indonesia

The locations of Polytron Service Center are West Jakarta, East Jakarta, Depok, Cilegon, Bekasi, Karawang, Bogor, Bandung, Tasikmalaya, Subang, Sukabumi, Cirebon, Surakarta, Semarang, Pekalongan, Purworejo, Yogyakarta, Kudus, Surabaya, Pasuruan, Malang, Bojonegoro, Kediri, Madiun, Jember, Kupang, Denpasar, Mataram, and Medan.

Then there are also in Bandar Aceh, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Bandar Lampung, Pontianak, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Jambi, Bengkulu, Pangkal Pinang, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Batam, Padang, Musi Banyuasin, Manado, Kendari, Sorong, Jayapura, Labuhan Batu, Banyumas, Ambon, and Palu.

If you don’t see in the list there is a city you live in, no need to worry. Polytron Service Center  services that are always favored are mechanics ready to be on duty out of town if consumers want their products repaired directly by Polytron employees.

But of course there are additional costs that you have to spend when you want to ask the mechanic to come directly to your area. The additional cost is in the form of transportation costs that you must bear so that the mechanics can successfully reach your city and fix problems related to your product.

Another option that can be done is that you send the problematic product to the nearest service center by contacting Polytron first so that they can understand and record what complaints are happening to the Polytron product you are currently using.

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Additional Info About Polytron Product Advantages

Some of the advantages possessed by this company is because between employees and each other must demand a sense of “One Family”. Although professionalism is demanded very hard by the company to employees but the sense must still be grown over time.

Then the presence of Polytron Service Center is made based on the purpose to be built, namely ‘Customer Focus’ and also as a form of ‘Social Responsibility’ to customers by employees at Polytron Company. This goal must be realized to maintain the core values of the company.

In addition, through complaints from consumers, the company as an organization will always do endless learning. Willing to learn from mistakes and realize that products that are created perfectly still have some shortcomings when used.

The presence of service centers that have been widely spread throughout Indonesia is also a form of improving service to customers so that they can always be close and fast in responding to existing problems. The company is also continuing to increase the number of service center locations in various cities needed.

The advantages and services provided make you do not need to have another reason not to buy electronic products produced by PT. Hartono Istana Jaya. By using polytron products, you also love domestic products that are no less good when compared to foreign products.

The quality provided will also be proportional to the price offered. You don’t need to worry about your electronic goods service because now it is very easy to find. Choose and use electronics with excellent service such as Polytron Service Center.

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