Online Money Loan Application Without Guarantees and Conditions
Online Money Loan Application Without Guarantees and Conditions

Gadgetinku: Online Money Loan Application Without Guarantees and Conditions

When you are in an urgent position of needing large amounts of money, the existence of an online money loan company without guarantees and conditions is needed. This is because some cannot meet the guarantees and conditions because they do not have them.

The trend of online lending is currently growing. This can be seen from the number of fintech companies or platforms engaged in the field is increasing. You can choose the type of company that suits you best and is most profitable for you.

Although the interest given is quite large, but online money loans without guarantees and conditions still have a special place for those who need it. This means that the loan can be applied for by you who are a student. Students under certain conditions require the presence of this type of platform.

But before deciding to apply for a loan online, you must first know some lists of fintechs that provide services in the field. Also get to know each advantage and interest rate of each type of platform to avoid nominal interest that is too high for you.

Fintech List Offers Loans Online Without Guarantees and Conditions

Before discussing how to apply for a loan, you must first know the list of what fintechs offer online money loans without guarantees and conditions. Get to know and multiply literacy about each type of fintech so as not to choose the wrong one.

The first list is the Kredivo company. This company provides convenience, which facilitates customers who want to make installments and also need cash. For cash, you are only allowed to borrow in the range of 500 thousand to 1.5 million with an admin fee of 30 thousand (deducted at disbursement) and interest of 11.71%.

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Next entered into the second fintech list is Indodana. In this type you can get two offers, namely tuna and paylater funds. Especially cash funds you can only borrow in the range of 1 to 8 million, while on paylater you have a limit of 25 million. However, these two loans should not be done simultaneously at one time.

On the 3rd list there is Go Loans. With only a capital ID card, you can already bring a loan of 1.2 to 6 million. But with the provisions on the first loan you can only borrow 1.2 million. This type of company provides interest charges of 0.8%/day and 11.12% for 14 days of loans.

Followed by Julo’s company. This company provides a loan offer that is on the mini type you will take home money of 1 million and must be repaid within 30 days, the type of installments up to 30 million with a tenor of 3 to 6 months. The interest offered for the loan is 16% within one month.

Then there’s Akulaku. This type of loan is quite famous among the people of Indonesia. Provide loan ease of 1 million with repayment for 30 days and interest of 11.7%. But on this platform you must give the company permission to access sensitive data such as contact lists on mobile phones, locations, and calls.

Although there are many more, the types of platforms or companies that are engaged in providing convenience are online money loans without guarantees and conditions but still supervised by the OJK. Although there are still many platforms and companies provide the same convenience but do not have permission by OJK.

Steps to Apply for Money Loans Online

Of the many types of fintech and platforms that provide you with easy access to apply for loans, of course, you have different application steps. But even though it has some differences, broadly speaking, the step you will go through is the same.

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By applying for an online money loan without guarantees and conditions , you will not wait too long until the funds are liquid. After you recognize the type of platform you will choose as a place to apply for loans online, then you must first download the intended application.

After downloading, you will be directed to fill in some personal data that is important and confidential. Don’t forget to prepare your ID card in advance and also your account number or passbook in your name to speed up the disbursement of the funds submitted.

Some types of fintech and online money lending platforms without guarantees and indirect conditions liquid on that day even when your data has been successfully verified. Some platforms even take 2 days until the desired funds can be liquid and entered into your account.

However, the time span given is not too worried considering that there is no need for complicated terms and guarantees and slows down submissions. You must continue to monitor the intended application whether your application has been approved or is still in the process stage by the platform.

Characteristics of Fintech Money Loans Online Without Terms and Guarantees

Although it is very easy to do in applying for an unsecured online money loan and the condition that you still have to recognize the characteristics of the type of platform you are going to. We hope you will only choose a platform that already has a permit and is supervised by the OJK (Financial Services Authority).

This is to avoid misuse of personal data that you provide when applying for a loan. If you have a permit and supervised by the OJK, your data is guaranteed security and will not be disseminated specifically on some things that can harm you.

Do not be easily tempted if the platform is a lure of excessive bonuses that are unreasonable. It could be that the platform is trying to deceive you. Get to know the details of the company information, if you have tried to dig but the information available is still minimal try not to make submissions there.

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On online money lending platforms and companies without guarantees and official terms will not ask the borrower for a down payment. If this happens then it is certain that you are in the process of fraud and do not continue because it is dangerous.

Furthermore, you should not provide unnecessary personal data such as account numbers and pins. If the platform has requested excessive data then immediately end the application process because from this you can guarantee that the platform will only deceive you.

Advantages of Online Loans Without Guarantees and Conditions

Broadly speaking, online money loans without guarantees and conditions are actually quite profitable, especially if you are in an urgent condition and need a large enough amount of money. The convenience provided without guarantees and conditions is the first advantage.

The next advantage is that you don’t have to wait too long to be able to get the loan money you apply for. Even some platforms can disburse funds in minutes. Of course, this is an advantage that cannot necessarily be done by the loan platform with guarantees and conditions.

Furthermore, easy loan application is also comparable to easy repayment. You can pay your bills quickly and easily, namely seeing the nominal bill in the application and the intended account number, then do not wait long if it is nominal then your bill will be paid off quickly.

Online loan applications are currently not only available for those of you who have worked but also for those of you who still have student status. The convenience provided further makes you want to apply for an online money loan without guarantees and conditions and must be on a platform that has been given access permission and supervised by the OJK.

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